#PhilanthropyForClimate: Um movimento global da filantropia para enfrentar a crise climática

#PhilanthropyForClimate: A global philanthropy movement to address the climate crisis

09/11 - 13h às 14h30 (Egito) / 8h às 9h30 (horário de Brasília)
Live chat

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Vamos explorar os desafios sobre o financiamento da agenda climática com organizações e lideranças da filantropia do Norte e do Sul Global que se reconheçam como financiadores climáticos ou não, e promover troca de experiências. Falaremos sobre a infraestrutura já instalada no Sul Global – como a nova aliança de Fundos Socioambientais – e outros tipos de colaboração para alinhar o campo da filantropia a este objetivo.

Apresentaremos o movimento #PhilanthropyForClimate, que conta com quase 600 membros em 20 países, e refletiremos sobre o que podemos fazer

A roundtable of exchange of experiences and debate between leaders of philanthropy organizations on what it means to finance the climate agenda even without being a climate funder and the challenges of mobilizing foundations, in the global North and South.

We will talk about the infrastructure that exists and demand from and to the countryside, especially in the global south, with a focus on Brazil. We will present the Philanthropy engagement movement in climate action which today has almost 600 member organizations in 18 countries

Organizações Realizadoras:

  • GIFE
  • Fundo Casa Socioambiental


  • Alice de Moraes Amorim Vogas – Coordinator of the Global Movement for Philanthropy on Climate Change | WINGS
  • Maria Amalia Souza- Founder and Strategic Development Director of the Casa Socioambiental Fund
  • Eduardo Franco – President of Fundación Socioambiental Semilla | Bolivia
  • Fernanda Lopes – Program Director of the Baobá Fund for Racial Equity
  • Leslie Johnston – Laudes Foundation Executive Director
  • Guiné Silva – Development Coordinator of the Tide Setubal Foundation
  • Rafael Gioielli – General Manager of the Votorantim Institute
  • Carolina Zambrano – Program Director of the CLUA

Redes Sociais

  • #PhilanthropyForClimate
  • #filantropia
  • #desenvolvimento
  • #financiamento
  • #cooperaçãosul-sul
  • #investimentosociaprivado
  • #mudançasclimaticas
  • #socioambiental
  • #PhilanthropyForClimate
  • #philanthropy
  • #development
  • #financing
  • #South-Southcooperation
  • #privatesocialinvestment
  • #climatechanges
  • #socioenvironmental



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